Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lucky number 7

Well, my most recent visit with Dr. BlueEyes was much more successful than my last visit. Meaning, I didn't have a drug-withdrawal induced meltdown. I let him know before my visit started that I would not, under any circumstances, being crying at this visit, and I was going to redeem myself from our last ultrasound. Dr. BlueEyes was nice enough to go over the results of my MRI with me, since I haven't seen Dr. McGorgeous yet. Basically, the MRI showed inflammation. Nothing to write home about. Dr. BlueEyes said he was guessing that I have some tendonitis, and we'd hit it with some steroids. I said, lets see what that ultrasound shows, I have a habit of doing weird things. I also mentioned that dissolving suture lump and how it bothers me. So we start the ultrasound. It didn't take long for me to hear the word "split" come out of his mouth. I asked him what was split, and he said that he wasn't convinced yet, he needed to look around some more. It was only a few seconds later when he found the view he was looking for. My anterior tibialis tendon is split longways. I tore a freaking tendon. I TORE a TENDON. Three months ago. My options? Surgery. I think I was the least surprised person in the room to hear that. Of course it needs surgery. If it only hurt a little bit, do you think I'd go for x-rays, a bone scan, and MRI and an ultrasound???? Nope. So he puts the ultrasound wand on the other side of my ankle and we look at the lump. It's definitely a lump. I asked him to take it out, and he laughed about how I wanted this tiny little lump out. But then he asked for a scalpel. So I did get a shot of lidocaine to numb it, but I still felt most of it. He took out my lump, which no longer was a suture, but had turned into a yucky blood clot. Then he put a stitch in to keep everything closed up. I'll take that out in a week. While he was sewing, I told him he better make that suture nice, because I don't want an ugly scar! Fortunately for me, Dr. BlueEyes gets my sense of humor and laughed. So where do we stand now? Well, in a week and a half I'll go talk to Dr. McGorgeous about what this next surgery entails. Wish me luck!

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